
CSTR Grand Rounds: June 2021 Deep Semi-Supervised and Multi-Stage Learning for Medical Applications AND Approaching Vascular Physiology and Pathology Using Mechanobiology: Lessons From Engineered In Vitro Vessel-Chip Systems (LIVE)

Ended Jul 6, 2021

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At the conclusion of this activity, learners will be able to:

- Compare and contrast algorithmic strategies for modeling risk of adverse outcomes

- Discuss recent advances in deep learning network development for risk estimation in heterogeneous patient populations.

- Discuss the importance of physical stimuli in vascular homeostasis that permeate clinical literature and how aberrant stimuli contribute to disease.

- Recontextualize these clinical paradigms in the view of mechanobiology and discuss how biological systems respond to these stimuli in concert.

- Describe the importance of engineered systems in developing this knowledge, and how they might be applied in parallel to in vitro and in vivo models to provide a comprehensive understanding of the physiology.